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Powerful Passports

By 26 February 2020August 18th, 2020No Comments

The Henley Passport Index ranks passports according to the number of countries the passport allowed holders to access visa-free or where they could obtain a visa on arrival.

In its recently published results, Japan maintained its place at the top of the list of the world’s most powerful passports for 2020, with its citizens enjoying access to 191 countries without requiring a visa in advance.

Australia climbed one place in the rankings, from equal 10th to equal 9th, after the number of countries Australians can visit without a visa increased from 181 to 183 in the past year. There were 21 countries that had access to more countries than Australia visa-free.

The top 10 ranked passports are:

1. Japan (191 destinations)

2. Singapore (190)

3. South Korea, Germany (189)

4. Italy, Finland (188)

5. Spain, Luxembourg, Denmark (187)

6. Sweden, France (186)

7. Switzerland, Portugal, Netherlands, Ireland, Austria (185)

8. United States, United Kingdom, Norway, Greece, Belgium (184)

9. New Zealand, Malta, Czech Republic, Canada, Australia (183)

10. Slovakia, Lithuania, Hungary (181)

For further details, refer to

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Author Ron Kessels

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