The Department of Home Affairs has recently released its 2017-2018 Migration Program Report.
Out of a total of 162,417 permanent places, the Employer Sponsored category accounted for 35,528 places. The majority of applications (82.5%) were made under the Employer Nomination Scheme.
The majority of these places (83%) were made up of applicants in Australia, slightly down from 86% in the 2016–17 program year.
Demand for places in the Employer Sponsored category in 2017–18 decreased by 27% compared to 2016–17, with 51,969 applications received in this category.
Interestingly, as at 30 June 2018, there were 52,503 applicants in the pipeline for visas in the Employer Sponsored category.
The Report notes that there is now a higher proportion of high risk cases across the program, with the total number of refusals across the total program increasing by 46.2 % during 2017-18.
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