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Australian Border Restrictions Update

By 14 July 2020August 18th, 2020No Comments

Our next webinar on travel restrictions
Below is the latest information about each of the states. We will be discussing these in our webinar today Tuesday, 14 July 2020 at 2pm AEST.  REGISTER HERE

Travel restrictions
Travel restrictions still apply which means only the following can enter Australia:

  • Australian citizens/Permanent residents
  • Immediate family members of an Australian citizen/permanent resident
  • New Zealand citizens usually resident in Australia.

Travel exemptions
All others must apply for travel exemptions through the Australian Border Force Commissioner. This process can take weeks and travellers will not be allowed to travel to Australia unless a waiver is granted. The grounds currently being considered are limited to:

  • compassionate or compelling reasons
  • people with critical skills (for example, medical specialists, engineers, marine pilots and crews) by exception
  • foreign nationals travelling at the invitation of the Australian Commonwealth Government for the purpose of assisting in the COVID-19 response or whose entry would be in the national interest
  • critical medical services, including air ambulance and delivery of supplies, that regularly arrive into Australia from international ports
  • diplomats accredited to Australia and currently resident in Australia, and their immediate family
  • ​case-by-case exceptions for humanitarian or compassionate reasons.

In practice, we are only seeing exemptions being granted individuals with critical skills involved in large scale infrastructure projects such as engineers.

International flight restrictions
Last week the Prime Minister directed airlines to cut the number of flights and available seats to Australia from Monday, 13 July to significantly reduce the number of international arrivals into the country. International flights are suspended into Victoria.

There will be caps on the numbers of passengers coming into Australian airports from overseas. The government has confirmed this

  • These measures will be temporary and will be reviewed
  • The Government will seek to provide airlines with at least 48 hours’ notice to minimise disruptions
  • It’s up to the airlines, not the Government, to decide who it sells tickets to.

States and territories are now charging for quarantine, with NSW announcing their fees over the weekend.

Below is a summary by state/territory:


International Flights

  • 450 international arrivals per day will continue, as announced on 4 July with a view to further reductions in subsequent weeks.

Quarantine from international flights – 14 days
A mandatory quarantine fee will apply to all international travellers flying to NSW from 12:01am Saturday, 18 July.

  • $3,000 for 1 adult
  • $4,000 for 2 adults
  • $4,500 for 2 adults & 1 child
  • Additional children: $500 each
  • Child under 3 years: no additional cost

Travellers who purchased their flights before 11:59pm 12 July AEST will be excluded from quarantine fees.

Interstate restrictions
NSW has temporary shut its border with Victoria.


International Flights
Declaration of State of Emergency until 11.59pm 19 July 2020.
No international flights into Victoria.

Quarantine from international flights – 14 days
N/A – no international flights into VIC.


International Flights
Cap of 500 international arrivals per week.

Quarantine from international flights – 14 days

  • $2,800 for 1 adult
  • $3,710 for 2 adults
  • $4,620 for 2 adults and 2 children

Interstate restrictions
From 10 July 2020, any person travelling from NSW, WA, SA, Tasmania, ACT and NT may enter QLD subject to lodging a border declaration.

Any person from an area declared as a COVID-19 “hotspot” (including Victoria) must not enter Queensland.

Western Australia

International Flights
Cap of 525 international arrivals per week

Quarantine from international flights – 14 days
Costs to be determined

Interstate restrictions

  • Regardless of whether you are a resident or non-resident of WA, all travellers must apply for a travel exemption to enter WA. No one will be allowed into WA if they have not been in VIC in the previous 14 days.
  • All travellers are required to self-isolate for 14 days.

South Australia

Quarantine from international flights – 14 days
N/A – no international flights into SA

Interstate restrictions
Travellers are required to complete a cross border pre-approval form before entering the State.
A further 14 days of self-quarantine will apply in SA for international travellers who have arrived in another State or Territory.


Quarantine from international flights – 14 days
N/A – no international flights into TAS

Interstate restrictions
Except for Essential Travellers (specified persons), any person from VIC must not enter TAS.
TAS residents returning home are required to self-quarantine for 14 days at their place of residence.

Northern Territory

Quarantine from international flights – 14 days
N/A – no international flights into NT.

Interstate restrictions
Anyone travelling interstate to the NT is required to self-quarantine for 14 days.
From 17 July 2020, all mandatory quarantine will be lifted except for travellers from “hotspots” (including VIC).


Quarantine from international flights – 14 days
N/A – no international flights into ACT

Interstate restrictions
ACT residents are not advised to travel to VIC except for absolutely essential reasons.

These rules change regularly so contact us if you have questions about quarantine.

DISCLAIMER This information is current as of 14 July 2020 and subject to change. The information contained in this publication is of a general nature only. It should not be used as legal advice. To the extent permissible by law, Ajuria Lawyers and its associated entities shall not be liable for any errors, omissions, defects or misrepresentations in the information or for any loss or damage suffered by persons who use or rely on such information. Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.

Have more specific questions about your visa? Get in touch with Ajuria Lawyers today.

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Author Ron Kessels

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