Our readers know that we keep a close eye on progress with processing applications for Australian Citizenship.
This month, Parliament was informed that:
- As of end of July 2019, there were 198,477 applications for citizenship by conferral in the pipeline;
- 145,000 applications were approved in 2017-18, up from 81,000 in 2017-18;
- There was also a 53% increase in refusal of applications in 2018-19;
- The time frame for finalisation of 90% of applications is within 24 months;
- The demand for Australian citizenship has increased 177% in 8 years from 2010.
As previously advised, the Government has invested $9 million in systems and staff, including setting up a task force to focus on complex cases and clear the backlog while maintaining the integrity of the processing system.
Ajuria Lawyers will continue to monitor and provide updates as new information becomes available.
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