Immigration New Zealand has announced that the Minister of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) will commence compliance checks to confirm that Accredited Employers are meeting their obligation under the Accredited Employer policy
A percentage of all accredited employers will be checked each year. Any employer may be selected as Immigration New Zealand in using selection criteria designed to get a representative sample of New Zealand employers. The checks can be either desk-based or through site visits.
MBIE may request the following information when carrying out their compliance checks: New Zealand – Accreditation employer compliance check.
- financial statements to show financial viability
- evidence of PAYE payments to migrant employees
- evidence of payment by employers to offshore recruitment agents of their migrant employees
- hiring dates of migrant employees
- evidence that employers have provided settlement information to their migrant employees
- logs of hours worked by migrant workers
- information on key persons involved in the employers business and their role.
If you have any questions on the updates provided or would like to discuss the new changes further, please do not hesitate to contact us.