Citizenship continues to be topical, with ongoing debate about the number of years required to meet the residential requirement, and the appropriate level of English language testing.
In response to a Question on Notice in Parliament last month, the Minister for Citizenship and Multicultural Affairs, Hon Alan Tudge MP, provided some interesting facts.
For the five year period from 2012 to 2017, there has been little change in the country of birth for citizenship by conferral. The top five countries were India, the United Kingdom, the Philippines, People’s Republic of China and South Africa.
During this same period, the number of successful citizenship applicants increased from 123,639 to 139,285.
As of 28 February 2018, there were 188,848 citizenship conferral applications on hand.
Given that estimated processing time is currently 12-18 months for citizenship conferral applications, Ajuria Lawyers notes that there may be a long and uncertain time ahead for those wishing to enjoy the benefits of Australian citizenship.
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